Free Personality Test – Discover Your Personality in 41 Questions

41 Questions – 1 Personality. Unlock Your True Potential: Discover Your Unique Personality Traits in just 41 clicks. The test is free of charge and requires no registration. It takes about five minutes to complete.

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Personality Test Question 1 of 41

In approaching others is your inclination to be:

  • or

Would you say you are more:

  • or

Do you go more by:

  • or

In company do you:

  • or

In your social groups do you:

  • or

Are you more comfortable:

  • or

Do you see yourself as basically:

  • or


  • or

Does new and non routine interaction with others:

  • or

Which rules you more:

  • or

In making decisions do you feel more comfortable with:

  • or

Which seems the greater error:

  • or

Are you more attracted to:

  • or

Do you tend to choose:

  • or

Does it bother you more having things:

  • or

Are you more likely to trust your:

  • or

Which is more admirable:

  • or

Are you more often:

  • or

Do you prefer the:

  • or

Are you more:

  • or

Do you prize more in yourself:

  • or

Do you feel better about:

  • or

In phoning do you:

  • or

At a party, do you:

  • or

Which is more of a compliment:

  • or

Is it harder for you to:

  • or

Do you prefer:

  • or

Which do you wish more for yourself:

  • or

Are you more frequently:

  • or

Are you more:

  • or

At parties, do you:

  • or

In doing ordinary things are you more likely to:

  • or

Do you:

  • or

Are you inclined to be:

  • or

When the phone rings do you:

  • or

Is it preferable mostly to:

  • or

Do you prefer to work:

  • or

Are you more impressed by:

  • or

Children often do not:

  • or

Are you more likely to:

  • or

Should one usually let events occur:

  • or

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Test Instructions

For reliable results, it is important that you answer the questions for yourself with how you feel – not how you want others to see you. If you can’t make a perfect match between a question and any answer, choose the alternative that is more true than the other. Place the mouse cursor over the help button for explanations of the questions. The test is self-correcting to some extent – a few vague responses will in most cases not affect the results.

Updates & News

We’ve just released a new feature called Relationship Compatibility Match, which will allow you to accurately calculate the relationship compatibility between two persons. To try the feature, you need the unique personality formula from two persons. You can obtain these formulas by e-mailing yourselves the profiles from the test result page, or by copying them from there. The feature is in beta testing and any feedback is appreciated.

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” — C.G. Jung

The 41 Questions Personality Test is based on the four personality indicators originally developed by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung. The Relationship Compatibility Match feature is inspired by the theory of Socionics and Antoni Kepinski’s theory of information metabolism. Please note that even though the calculations behind these tests are based on scientific research, the science of human behavior is far from perfected. 41 Questions takes no responsibility for the validity of the reports published on this site.

5 reasons to take 41Q

  1. Self-awareness: Personality tests can provide insight into your own personality traits and characteristics, helping you better understand your strengths, weaknesses, and behavior patterns.
  2. Improved relationships: By understanding your own personality traits, you can also better understand the personalities of those around you, including friends, family members, and coworkers. This can lead to improved communication, more effective conflict resolution, and stronger relationships.
  3. Career guidance: Many personality tests are designed to help individuals identify career paths that are well-suited to their unique strengths and abilities. This can be particularly helpful for individuals who are struggling to find direction or who are considering a career change.
  4. Personal growth: Personality tests can help you identify areas of personal growth and development, giving you the opportunity to work on improving yourself and becoming the best version of yourself.
  5. Team building: Personality tests can be useful in team-building situations, helping team members better understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses and work together more effectively.
Overall, taking a personality test can be a valuable tool for personal growth, improved relationships, and career development. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that no test can fully capture the complexity of human personality, and that your results should be considered as one piece of a larger puzzle.

Before you start

When taking the 41Q personality test, it’s important to keep a few things in mind:
  1. Honesty: To get the most accurate results, it’s important to answer each question as honestly and accurately as possible. Avoid trying to guess what the ”right” answer might be, and instead answer based on your true feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
  2. Objectivity: Try to approach the test with an open mind and avoid letting your preconceptions or biases influence your answers. Remember that no personality type is inherently ”better” or ”worse” than another, and that each type has its own strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Context: Keep in mind that personality tests are just one tool for understanding yourself, and that they should be considered in the larger context of your life experiences, values, and beliefs. Don’t rely solely on your test results to make decisions or draw conclusions about yourself.
  4. Self-reflection: Use the test results as an opportunity for self-reflection and self-discovery. Consider how your personality traits might impact your relationships, your career goals, and your overall well-being. Think about areas where you might want to focus on personal growth and development.
  5. Professional guidance: While personality tests can be helpful tools, it’s important to seek professional guidance if you have serious concerns about your mental health or if you’re struggling with significant life challenges. A qualified mental health professional can provide personalized guidance and support based on your unique situation.